Our first EIR Program Session was electrifying! Speaker Jermaine's high energy delivery of incredible subject matter was priceless for the credit novice as well as the well informed. Steps to establish, improve and maintain an EXCELLENT credit score and how the FICO game is changing,. Steps to establishing generational wealth and so much more! You definitely don't want to miss SESSION ii and the opportunity to win 2 FREE TICKETS to the 2023 CSUDH Jazz & Arts Festival.

Heroes 1st is now on YouTube!
H1 will begin posting our EIR Program Classes and much more on YouTube in the next few days (working out some tech issues) and you want to be sure not to miss this very valuable content!. Please be sure to subscribe to be notified when new content is added!
Online Cancer Thrivers Mental Wellness Group ...COMING SOON!!!

Black Health Equity Disparity ENDS HERE
I wish my heading were true, but the truth of the matter is; 50% more black women sustain heart damage from cancer treatment than white women. Black men are 250% more like to die from prostate cancer than non-Hispanic white males. And there are so many more staggering statistics! As proud members of the Black Health Equity Collaborative-Long Beach Heroes 1st., a black led community based organization, has taken up the charge to stamp out health inequities (mental and physical) one person at a time.
Coming in May 2023 Heroes 1st is bringing you a mental wellness group for cancer THRIVERS. In keeping with our mission to provide superior clinical services for the military community and other underserved communities at large, we are proud to announce our newest program. The meetings will be facilitated by our own Nicolle Brown, ACSW, (a two time cancer thriver that is currently in treatment). Nicky is a shoot-from-hip-straight,-no-chaser clinician. The online space will be safe and judgement free. Sessions will be on the 1st and 3rd Sunday at 3:00pm ET/Noon PT with guest speakers and interactive participation (not a Webinar) is encouraged. THIS SERVICE IS FREE TO PARTICIPANTS..